ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose This policy supports Commitment 9 in the ECCO Code of Conduct: “ ECCO aims to be a leader within the environment, health and safety and supports sustainable development.” The purpose of this policy is to encourage ownership, commitment and adherence to all levels of the business and to provide framework for establishing and reviewing environmental targets. 1.2 Scope This Policy applies to all ECCO Group entities. 2. POLICY STATEMENT 2.1 Environmental Policy As ECCO owns and manages its own tanneries, shoe factories, distribution centres, offices and retail shops, its Policy is to minimise its impact on the environment across the entire supply chain. ECCO therefore makes the following commitments to; Strategy • Incorporate environmental consideration into every relevant level of decision-making and throughout all relevant business activities to support the business’s sustainable development. Compliance • Comply with, or exceed where possible, all applicable legal and regulatory requirements relating to environmental aspects. 30
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